Support Services
Support Services
City High School believes in the inclusion of all students. We prioritize relationships with our students and families. In collaboration with families and our community we ensure the provision of the academic, social-emotional, behavioral support and robust post high school planning that each student needs. CHS is a public school and welcomes any student who applies and is accepted through the lottery process.
City High School has services, policies, and procedures that comply with the federal Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) and its implementing regulations, and that eligible children and youth with disabilities receive a free appropriate public education (FAPE). CHS has speech and communication, counseling, occupational therapy, physical therapy, and school psychology support staff. Additional types of support staff are procured if school teams deem it necessary for a student's access to the general education environment.
Human Rights
CHS believes that all students have a right to and benefit from being educated together in general education environments with individualized and universal supports, which support academic, social, emotional, and behavioral support. Staffing and daily school schedules are intentionally designed to allow for a great deal of individualized support for all students. Individual Education Plan (IEP) and 504 plan meetings are student-led meetings where students and families are honored as experts.
Research Based Best Practice
Content teachers, support teachers, educational assistants and tutors work cooperatively using Universal design for Learning (UDL) to plan and deliver relevant lessons that are as barrier free as possible for all students and have many accommodations that are available for all students, for instance, all students are allowed to use speech to text when composing written material. Material is provided in a variety of ways and there are multiple options for students to demonstrate what they have learned. General education teachers and support staff provide specially designed instruction/differentiated instruction to all students.