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Staff Directory

City High School Leadership & Admin Team

Margo Alves

College & Career Coordinator

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Marisol Badilla

Dean of Students

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Marjorie Owen

Transition Specialist

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Melissa Simmons

Office Manager

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Rachel Mueller

Intervention Counselor

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Parents have a right to know details regarding teacher qualifications. Parents may request information on the professional qualifications of their child’s teachers, such as teacher’s certification status, staff member’s level of college education, the qualifications of paraprofessionals, etc.

City High Teachers

Adam Cordenner

Support Services Instructor

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Elana Knight

Geometry Co Teacher / Health & Wellness Instructor

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Emily Guindon

Dynamic Yoga, Instructor

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Emy Kleinkauf

English 9 & 10 Co Teacher

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John Sax

Algebra 1 Co Teacher / Dungeons & Dragons Instructor

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Sophie Maloney

9th and 10th Grade English Teacher

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Steve Beall

Biology, Dual-Enrollment Natural History of the Sonoran Desert, and Independent STEM Research Project Teacher

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Susan Whiting

Visual Arts Instructor

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Vanessa Savel

Spanish Instructor

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